Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999
About Us

The Workers’ Educational Association of Canada (WEA) is a non-profit, non-partisan charity organization dedicated to lifelong learning.

Founded in 1917, The Workers’ Educational Association of Canada is a member of the International Federation of Workers’ Educational Associations (IFWEA), and linked to the Scandinavian community education associations and the WEA’s of the Commonwealth.

For over fifty years, until the establishment of community colleges, WEA was the primary provider of adult education in Canada. From the Farm Radio Forums and the Saturday night Labour Forums in the 1930’s and 1940’s, to the provision of liberal arts courses to hundreds of thousands of ordinary people across Canada from 1918 to 1968, WEA has been a pioneer in the field of adult learning.

Learning Curves and University in the Community are the current expressions of the traditions and values of the WEA to support, encourage and inform adult learners.


Staff are actively engaged in adult education as teachers and learners. Each contributes to WEA’s role in helping adults to learn and to the broader community of adult learning through their work and volunteer contributions. The WEA currently has two projects, Learning Curves a newspaper for adults returning to school and University in the Community in partnership with Davenport Perth Neighbourhood Centre and Woodsworth College (University of Toronto).

Andrew Oliver President
Wendy Terry Secretary (Past President)
Iryna Paltseva Editor
Mina Wong Board Member
Where to find us

Below, you’ll find a helpful list of where the Learning Curves newspaper is distributed.