Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999
Teacher’s Voice
Learning Curves
Learning Curves

Over time, more college students (now adults) have involved parents, guardians, and even legal counsel when resolving academic concerns with their teachers. Many colleagues and I find these encounters contrary to adult autonomy, but while we uphold self-advocacy and self-direction, some colleagues and I also feel that instead of rejecting third parties, we should do no harm, and not make things worse even in ambiguous situations.


Smart, Kind, Organized

By MINA WONG - February 18 2024

Witness a developmental journey of new adult educators, Janice Cullen and Mina Wong, as they navigated through a challenging learning process of their own. But shifting from traditional classroom management approaches, they fostered a culture of support and encouragement. Being 'smart, kind, organized' became their daily commitments to building academic success and meaningful connections in the classroom.


Moments of Humor, Hilarity, and Near Absurdity

By MINA WONG - January 21 2024

From receiving flowers as a gesture of love to navigating plagiarism debates, Mina shares amusing stories and insight from her experiences as a college teacher. Discovering diverse cultures and challenges students bring to the classroom, she offers a unique perspective on education.


Thinking about the Month of December

By MINA WONG - December 15 2023

Dive into the heartwarming embrace of December with cozy hot chocolate, festive birthdays, and a global tapestry of holidays. From social justice milestones to the magic of the winter solstice, this article is a celebration of love, joy, and meaningful moments throughout the month.


A grumpy teenager

By MINA WONG - November 21 2023

The true story of a teenager's unhappiness since an unwilling move to a different city.


Doing what we love and loving what we do

By MINA WONG - October 30 2023

I feel delightfully inspired by Larry, a friend on sabbatical from banking to run his own restaurant, a goal that’s excited him ever since he was a student in business school.