Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999
Learning Curves

If only one language was spoken in the world...

By OSMAN OZSOY - April 19 2024

Learning Curves

Delving into the complexities of a monolingual world, this article contemplates the cultural richness and emotional depth embedded in multilingualism. From personal anecdotes to global examples, it advocates for the preservation of linguistic diversity as fundamental to human identity and understanding.


Who does good will find good ...

By OSMAN OZSOY - March 28 2024

In Osman Ozsoy's narrative, acts of kindness lead to unexpected blessings, illustrating the timeless principle that "those who do good will receive good." Through heartfelt anecdotes of reciprocity, Ozsoy highlights the transformative power of compassion in fostering solidarity and resilience within communities.


Difficulties that immigrants have to face..

By OSMAN OZSOY - January 18 2024

Dive into the complex dynamics of immigration, exploring the challenges faced by newcomers, from the initial honeymoon phase to the impact on mental and physical well-being, while emphasizing the transformative potential of migration in shaping societies and fostering cultural diversity.


Based on a true story

By OSMAN OZSOY - December 19 2023

Osman Ozsoy's reflection emphasizes that every "true story" on screen mirrors our shared human journey, urging us to infuse hope and empathy into our narratives and actions.


What do museums tell us?

By OSMAN OZSOY - November 23 2023

In the world's museums, a Turkish proverb resonates: "A donkey dies, and his saddle is left behind. A person dies, and his work is left behind." This preview explores the profound impact of historical artifacts, emphasizing how museums, like mirrors of humanity's story, call us to leave a legacy of positive deeds and cherished memories for future generations.