Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999

Do you know one of the most significant workplace changes since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic? It is the acceptance of remote work and the amount of business that is now conducted virtually.

The answer to this question depends on your occupational target. According to recent surveys and labour market reports, the Canadian workplace is at a crossroads with hiring practices.

For the past 10 years, I have worked with a career centre called Achēv. Our office is located at 595 Parliament Street and it is still there even though since March of 2020 all staff have been working remotely from home. Despite this, Achēv has found a way to keep everyone very connected by using Zoom, MS Teams and emails. I never feel alone and a day never passes that I do not have a conversation with one of my colleagues.

If you are reading this article, you might be interested in learning, or job searching, or just staying informed. Everyone around the world was informed in March of 2020 about COVID-19.

Most people are surprised to learn that the Canadian Mothercraft Society’s reputation of providing high quality early education

Recently while viewing, I read an article titled “A Changing Workplace: From Corporate Ladders to Corporate Lattices”.

For several years, I would see Sonia’s welcoming smile behind a local library’s reference desk.

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Toronto, M5A 4G5
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