Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999

Many people readily imagine the freedom and flexibility of online learning. Think of sitting at home in your pajamas, setting your own hours and working at your own pace — sounds perfect.

Camille Rutherford, assistant professor of Education at Brock University, always gives her students a few minutes to settle in before starting class.

Duoli’s Story

May 7, 2011

Can you imagine a senior who is 74 years old learning English from Zero? How could I learn English at my age?

Alain Gelinas is on a mission of his own as he studies full time for a Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Adult Education at Brock University

y boomers, now starting to retire, are looking for courses that interest them such as painting, music, languages, exercise, dance, digital...

Have you always dreamed of being an artist? Looking to change careers and get into the arts, but not sure if it’s quite right for you?

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