Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999
Career Focus

New Year, New Name and New Style

By LISA TRUDEL - February 16 2021

The last time I wrote an article for Learning Curves it was 2020. I worked at a Career Centre named the Centre for Education and Training, and when I read this publication I would carefully turn the pages of the print newspaper.

It is now 2021, the Career Centre where I work had a name change to Achev (a rebranding initiative that started before the global pandemic of COVID-19), and next to my laptop is a list of online publications that I write for. A large post-it note reminds me to let everyone know about the best site in Toronto: No more turning pages, only turning toward a new era of job search and career planning. There is no doubt that the global pandemic has changed how we job search, where we job search, and what jobs we can aim for. Here are 3 points to help move you forward in 2021:

  1. Embrace remote communication. It is here to stay. Remote work was around before the global pandemic, however in March of 2020 it was as if someone pressed the “fast forward” button. Even when we all have vaccines and there is no more “stay at home” orders many people might be working a combination style model that blends one week in the physical office keyboarding on the desktop and one week at home keyboarding on the company laptop.
  2. Research companies that recruit with a DEI-focus. A bright part of 2021 is the trend toward workplace diversity, equity and inclusion polices. Not all companies will be as committed as they like the public to think they are, so do your homework and evaluate an employer’s commitment to DEI. Ensure that the company you want to work for has a DEI policy. Only aim for employers who are diversity-friendly.
  3. Improve your virtual networking skills. Networking is still the #1 way of finding employment however it no longer includes meeting large groups of people in traditional in-person formats where you would enthusiastically shake everyone’s hands. Instead, networking is about updating your social media profile before you make connections. It means ensuring your LinkedIn profile has an impressive “about” section, a captivating photo, and an inspiring banner background photo. It means more than LinkedIn too. Virtual networking includes having access to multiple apps, taking the time to research who the right people are to connect with, and most of all having clarity of message. People like to connect with others who know who they are, and where they are going.

To find out more about how you can improve your job search style, contact your local Employment Ontario Career Centre and give yourself the gift of a Career Specialist to coach you to success.

This article was written by Lisa Trudel, Career Specialist with Achev (formerly the Centre for Education and Training). You can contact Lisa at:

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