Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999

Learning Curves

Please help!  I am 35 years old and am so tired of going from one job to another.  I had dreams of graduating college after studying  computer programming  and settling into a job.



Diary Confessions

By ADMIN - November 3 2023

Dear Diary,

Life has not been the same ever since we watched Avatar: The Way of Water; just like COVID, life can now be classified as before and after

Teacher’s Voice

Doing what we love and loving what we do

By ADMIN - October 30 2023

I feel delightfully inspired by Larry, a friend on sabbatical from banking to run his own restaurant, a goal that’s excited him ever since he was a student in business school.



We don't start the race of life fairly

By OSMAN OZSOY - October 13 2023

Everyone's expectations, goals and the point they want to reach in life are different. Some people have what they want to have throughout their lives, while others have it at birth. What to choose, dream of reality?



Learning Curves wants your writing!

By OSMAN OZSOY - October 13 2023

If you have written poetry or a short story, share it with us and our readers. For further  information or to submit some writing, email us at

Priority given to previously unpublished work of new writers.

Univesity in the

UitC Fall/Winter Program

Fall – 2020 COVID-19 Learn from Home Edition

University in the Community logo

Where: Wherever you can access the internet (Formerly held at Innis College, University of Toronto)

When: Wednesday evenings,
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm,
September 27th – November 29th, 2020