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Chasing the ordinary

By SAMANVITHA ORUGANTI - February 9 2024
Chasing the ordinary

“Mom, did I ever tell you that I want to be ordinary and continue to chase ordinary?” asked my 12-year-
old son throwing an endearing smile at me one evening. His words and smile felt very contradicting.

“Excuse me, uh chasing ordinary?” I asked, confused.

“Yes, simple, straightforward, and sometimes sweet chasing the ordinary brings in more joy,
assurance, a sense of belonging, and respite on repeat is a lesser-known fact as it is.

Often muddled as boring, mediocre, and mundane, the benefits of the ordinary are likely overlooked
in the pursuit of something different and unique, leaving one blissfully unaware in the eternal state of
confusion and distress.

On some occasions, brilliance is disguised as ordinary, powerfully pleasing the crowd, silently working
its charm, like coffee, French fries, and cheese toast that are staples in their own capacity but can be
wonderfully paired with conversations, first dates, and many new friendships opening an avenue of

In the context of the ordinary, the mind associates it with comfort and familiarity and potentially
tackles the fear of the unknown, which is recurringly undermined and underrated. For instance, the
ordinary stories of good night tales such as the ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears,’ ‘Alice in Wonderland,’
and ‘Bambi’ are undoubtedly repeated time and over to invoke a perception of imagination, wonder,
marvel, and happy thoughts.

Chasing the ordinary is all about savoring the present, appreciating one’s own pace and capabilities,
and being kind to oneself and others, offering no judgments. Novel ideas come and go, but the
ordinary stays deep-rooted, waiting and wanting to explore its full potential; hence, chasing the
ordinary has a story of its unexplored glory and territories. “

“So, Mom, did I make a valid argument for why I want to chase ordinary?” he asked while I was too
stunned to respond. Little did I know he had a complete essay supporting the statement up his sleeve.

“Well then, is it okay to say my son is ordinary and will strive to be ordinary?” I asked, gathering my
thoughts. He nodded his head vigorously, and his happiness knew no bounds.

Samanvitha Orugant is an avid storyteller who likes narrating stories about people, emotions, and places. She believes our world has innumerable tales, some hidden, some not, but all waiting to be told. She can be reached via email at

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