Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999
Student Resources

Life’s Catapult

By ADMIN - April 19 2021

By ADMIN - April 19 2021

Lessons from an Employment Program

By Maria Morales

Sometimes in life, it feels like we are in a catapult where we are pulled back before we can go forward. It is often adversity that creates the tension needed to release the energy that thrusts us forward and lets us reach higher. This is a metaphor that Shahina Suleman, Program Manager at PTP Adult Learning and Employment Programs, loves to use when talking about what the Elevate program does for its participants. In the program that she leads, many students overcome difficult situations with resilience and adaptability. We all can use difficult experiences as the energy to project us forward. Let us analyze the physics of the catapult of life that many students in this employment program have experienced.

The tension generated by b


Executive Suite

By CARTER HAMMETT - April 19 2021

I have a friend from whom I love to borrow quotes. She speaks and thinks in great sound bites and I try to borrow from her as often as possible. One of the statements she frequently repeats is, “saying ‘focus’ to a person with ADHD is like saying, ‘oh, just cheer up’ to a person with depression.”
If only it were that easy.


Learning Curves

Please help!  I am 35 years old and am so tired of going from one job to another.  I had dreams of graduating college after studying  computer programming  and settling into a job.


Career Focus

A year of living with COVID:

By ADMIN - April 19 2021

Angie Cheng:
Home together 24 hours a day. My name is Angie. I live in Flemingdon Park with my husband and three children.

Love of Learning

How Virginia Robos Became a High School Teacher

By ADMIN - April 19 2021

Virginia Robos studied bartending soon after coming to Canada from San Antonio, Chile. “Skinny Ginny” (as friends called her) wanted something quick and job-ready to support her family. A short hospitality certificate seemed perfect at the time.


Student Resources
Learning Curves

Mid Term Feb, March, April Start Dates

By WENDY TERRY - February 16 2021

COVID has disrupted our continuing education plans as it has our economy-our job/career plans. We have been in the latest lock down since Christmas Day and when will it let up apparently mid February.



Learning Curves wants your writing!

By ADMIN - February 16 2021

If you have written poetry or a short story, share it with us and our readers. For further  information or to submit some writing, email us at

Priority given to previously unpublished work of new writers.

Univesity in the

UitC Fall/Winter Program

Fall – 2020 COVID-19 Learn from Home Edition

University in the Community logo

Where: Wherever you can access the internet (Formerly held at Innis College, University of Toronto)

When: Wednesday evenings,
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm,
September 27th – November 29th, 2020

Career Focus

New Year, New Name and New Style

By LISA TRUDEL - February 16 2021

The last time I wrote an article for Learning Curves it was 2020. I worked at a Career Centre named the Centre for Education and Training, and when I read this publication I would carefully turn the pages of the print newspaper.