Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999

Riches For The Poor

By SAMANVITHA ORUGANTI - December 9 2016

By SAMANVITHA ORUGANTI - December 9 2016

The Workers' Educational Association of Canada (WEA) has been a champion of free, public education for adults since its beginning in 1918. In 2002, a WEA staff person came across an interview with Earl Shorris in an old Harper's Magazine (1997). Shorris, who died in 2012, was a social critic and author who founded the U.S.-based Clemente Course in the Humanities. The article was a catalyst for the WEA to reignite its long held belief in the value of a humanities/ liberal arts education for ordinary people, and had had many years delivering such programs.  The Clemente Course reaffirmed the conviction that well-educated people make wise and good citizens and can change society for the better. These are beliefs WEA has shared since its inception. In the summer of 2003 WEA launched University in the Community.

Riches for the Poor, published in 2000, is Shorris’s argument for a humanities education as a we

Learning Curves

Please help!  I am 35 years old and am so tired of going from one job to another.  I had dreams of graduating college after studying  computer programming  and settling into a job.



ONCAT and the Transfer of Credits

By ADMIN - October 26 2016

Imagine dedicating yourself to a life of study to secure a better future—sacrificing and denying yourself because you know it will all be worth it in the end.


Career Focus

Portfolio Power: Invest In Yourself

By LISA TRUDEL - December 9 2015

There are various types of portfolios yet only one that you would show to your boss at a performance review or to potential employers at a job interview.


Love of Learning

Love of Learning

By VOLODYMYR KRAVCHUK - December 7 2015

As the late American journalist, Christopher Morley, once said “There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning”.



Learning Curves wants your writing!

By VOLODYMYR KRAVCHUK - December 7 2015

If you have written poetry or a short story, share it with us and our readers. For further  information or to submit some writing, email us at

Priority given to previously unpublished work of new writers.

Univesity in the

UitC Fall/Winter Program

Fall – 2020 COVID-19 Learn from Home Edition

University in the Community logo

Where: Wherever you can access the internet (Formerly held at Innis College, University of Toronto)

When: Wednesday evenings,
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm,
September 27th – November 29th, 2020