Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999
Student Resources

Getting Your High School Diploma

By WENDY TERRY - November 17 2011

By WENDY TERRY - November 17 2011

Toronto District School Board Adult Day Schools offer two programs for learners who want to earn high school credits or an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD): the Ed-Vance program for youth, eighteen to twenty, who want to finish high school and the Adult Program for adults over twenty one.

The four Ed-Vance programs are for students who have not completed high school, although it is recommended that students have at least 5 of 30 high school credits to be considered for this program. Students out of school for one term are usually motivated to return to school to recommit, but more and more students are coming directly from mainstream high schools directly into the Ed-Vance programs.

Fully funded by the Ontario government, the Ed-Vance programs offer many of the same supports as the mainstream schools. Supportive teachers give youth the extra support

Learning Curves

Please help!  I am 35 years old and am so tired of going from one job to another.  I had dreams of graduating college after studying  computer programming  and settling into a job.


Student Resources

It Can Be Challenging First Time Out

By ADMIN - September 16 2011

Many people readily imagine the freedom and flexibility of online learning. Think of sitting at home in your pajamas, setting your own hours and working at your own pace — sounds perfect.


Student Resources

Neighbourhood Learning

By WENDY TERRY - September 2 2011

A listing of learning institutions from School boards, Colleges and Universities throughout the GTA.


Student Resources

Brock's Adult Education Degree

By ADMIN - May 16 2011

Camille Rutherford, assistant professor of Education at Brock University, always gives her students a few minutes to settle in before starting class.



Learning Curves wants your writing!

By ADMIN - May 16 2011

If you have written poetry or a short story, share it with us and our readers. For further  information or to submit some writing, email us at

Priority given to previously unpublished work of new writers.

Univesity in the

UitC Fall/Winter Program

Fall – 2020 COVID-19 Learn from Home Edition

University in the Community logo

Where: Wherever you can access the internet (Formerly held at Innis College, University of Toronto)

When: Wednesday evenings,
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm,
September 27th – November 29th, 2020