Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999

Hello, everyone! My name is Galina. I am 41 years old. I have been living in Canada for 3 years, and many things have changed in my life in terms of both my place of residence and my activities.

Sarah had been busy looking at schools in Canada for her two children. She and her husband, Bob had recently received their Permanent Residency and were very excited at better prospects that awaited them

One day before my 33rd birthday, I wrote and passed my very first exam towards becoming a Real Estate Agent! After almost a decade of being a full time mom to 3 kids, this was my first step towards building a professional career.

At 22 and with two small children to care for, I didn’t have many options. Though bilingual and with some work experience in an office setting, I’d been too long out of the workforce – a mere two years! - to merit any serious consideration. 

Chasing The Dream

Jun 20, 2019

Have you ever felt that you should have gone further with your education? That you were capable of more?

Often we put off calling a university or college as we didn’t finish high school or did poorly or did it in a different country in a different language.

Often adult students had dropped out of high school, though they do this less than they used to, and later they often decide to go back to school. But there has been few community accessible learning information services to help adults go back. So often they start back based on what a friend advises or at an educational program they know in their area or at a program they have seen an ad for.

Summer holiday mode is over, you have turned your mind to work mode, the kids are settled in school and you have time to think about taking a course yourself, only to find the Fall term has already started at many places.

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Toronto, M5A 4G5
Phone: (416) 923 7872