Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999

Osman OZSOY shares a profound perspective on gratitude and self-acceptance, emphasizing the importance of valuing what we have and recognizing our unique strengths. Through personal anecdotes, he illustrates how individual struggles can turn into strengths, reminding us that life's value lies in how we perceive and utilize our circumstances.

Some colleagues and I find exams to be stressful experiences for college students who usually cram for them. Given viable options to traditional midterm and final exams, we want to try other learning components for the same marks. We’ve shared with each other reasons for choosing learning over testing. Over time, we’ve also seen administration’s interest in making exams optional.

Many people have kept a diary at some point in their lives. It is a common behavior, especially in childhood and adolescence, partly due to the influence of emulation. This habit gradually decreases with advancing age.

When it comes to immigration, Canada consistently holds leading positions in the list of countries with the most pleasant and understandable conditions for newcomers.

A Random Friday

Dec 28, 2023

Navigate the bustling chaos of city subways and stumble upon a heartfelt letter that reshapes one commuter's entire Friday. Dive into a tale where unexpected connections remind us of the profound bonds that can form amidst life's hustle.

Angie Cheng is a parent, worker, and university student. Earlier this year, she told Learning Curves (Spring Issue 2021) how her family of five had lived through a year of COVID. Last week, I asked her to tell me more about her life since coming to Canada twenty years ago.

Since its inception nearly two years ago, Epilepsy Toronto’s unique Bridge the Gap ambassador program has reached thousands of participants while promoting epilepsy awareness and helping ambassadors develop skills deemed essential for workplace success.

Summer is a great time to take a course! Although the selection is more limited than in the fall, winter and spring terms, most educational providers offer courses during the summer months.

A listing of learning institutions from School boards, Colleges and Universities throughout the GTA.

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