Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999

Have you ever heard of the PEP formula? It is a job search recipe that has led to success for many job seekers. If you combine it with a new spin on traditional job searching you might find it successful too.

Discover the top three highest paying sectors and how to break into them for a promising career with excellent job security and salary prospects. Explore opportunities in Healthcare, Information Technology, and Finance, each requiring specific educational backgrounds and personal qualities, but offering rewarding paths for the future.

Discover how Smart Resume Tailoring revolutionizes job applications by dynamically adapting resumes to match specific job descriptions, increasing your chances of landing interviews.

This year I read a book by James Clear titled “Atomic Habits”.  One of the chapters mentioned the “2-Minute Rule” which helps with procrastination, breaking old habits, and building new healthy ones. 

Have you noticed there are more blogs and podcasts than ever before discussing how AI (artificial intelligence) will soon affect almost every profession?

These 3 questions are often asked by newcomer job seekers, so to expand on what I know I sat down recently with Angela Mohan, a Career Specialist with Achēv in downtown Toronto.

Recently a new expression has exploded on social media: “quiet quitting”. This term means not abruptly leaving a job, but starting to do the minimum amount of possible work while keeping your position.

Do you know one of the most significant workplace changes since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic? It is the acceptance of remote work and the amount of business that is now conducted virtually.

Career advice can appear in many forms. It can be verbal from a trusted Career Coach or read in a recommended book. Twenty years ago, I was encouraged to read a book titled “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.

The answer to this question depends on your occupational target. According to recent surveys and labour market reports, the Canadian workplace is at a crossroads with hiring practices.

The answer to this headline is brevity. Your resume should have less text and more concise accomplishments written in a way that grabs the attention of the reader.

For the past 10 years, I have worked with a career centre called Achēv. Our office is located at 595 Parliament Street and it is still there even though since March of 2020 all staff have been working remotely from home. Despite this, Achēv has found a way to keep everyone very connected by using Zoom, MS Teams and emails. I never feel alone and a day never passes that I do not have a conversation with one of my colleagues.

When I was in Grade 2, I discovered what a “shortcut” was. Instead of walking to school along the side of the road, my brother showed me a path through a farmer’s field that could save me five minutes of time.

Do you want to prepare yourself to sound professional at interviews, networking meetings and on the job? Did you know there are two powerful words you can change that will make you appear more confident and self-assured?

Last year when COVID started, I heard someone use the expression “FOGO”. I thought it was about Fogo Island in Newfoundland where the famous Fogo Island Inn is located. I soon discovered it meant “Fear of Going Outside”.
In our new world of facemasks, lockdowns and physical distancing, job searching has changed too.

The last time I wrote an article for Learning Curves it was 2020. I worked at a Career Centre named the Centre for Education and Training, and when I read this publication I would carefully turn the pages of the print newspaper.

If you are job searching this year it is a new era. It is a time of online applications and interviews via Zoom, however all job seekers still require a resume. This has not been deleted yet.

If you are reading this article, you might be interested in learning, or job searching, or just staying informed. Everyone around the world was informed in March of 2020 about COVID-19.

Do you know the new formula for job interviews? It is: Remote technology plus COVID-19 equals virtual hiring.

Recently, a job seeker said to me: “Why do I need a cover letter? The job posting only stated to email a resume, so why should I bother?”

The job seekers I help include people with a wide range of occupations, ages, and circumstances. Many are Internationally Educated Professionals including Lawyers, Teachers and Accountants.

What is office survivability? It is understanding that career success is not only about accomplishing your job tasks and your performance goals, it is also about relating appropriately with a group of people

Whether you are looking for work, trying to manage too much work, or looking forward to working less, the rules of work and the skills required in the workplace are changing.

Adapt or Abandon

Sep 10, 2018

My workday consists of assisting unemployed jobseekers prepare for employment.

Recently while viewing, I read an article titled “A Changing Workplace: From Corporate Ladders to Corporate Lattices”.

Do you know the “7- second rule” in job search? It means that it only takes 7- seconds for an employer to form an opinion about you when meeting you in person.

There are various types of portfolios yet only one that you would show to your boss at a performance review or to potential employers at a job interview.

The site is called “an award-winning job board and online career resource that connects employers with top students and recent graduate talent” but it can be viewed by anyone who is job searching or career planning.

Learning to Learn

Jun 26, 2015

Do you prefer to learn using images and pictures? Or do you like to learn using sound and music? Or do you prefer to learn in groups with other people, or by yourself?

The answer is that 90% of job seekers look passively for work by applying to job postings; 9% of job seekers are actively searching for work by networking; and 1% of job seekers are making the right connections.

Are you a Netflix watcher? Are you part of the new breed of television watchers who likes to binge on three episodes a night of your favorite show?

No matter what your occupation or your age, if you are a job-seeker you have probably heard the word “networking” many times.

Are you an adult learner returning to school this year? Are you worried about taking notes, completing assignments and obtaining good grades?

If you are an adult learner, job seeker or employee, what do you do when the clock is ticking and the page is blank? If you are in school, are you trying to complete an essay or assignment that is due in the morning?

During the 1980s recession, some job seekers used a popular job search method that involved self-promotion and pounding the pavement. Remember Sandwich boards?

Wouldn’t it be nice if careers came with road maps or GPS tracking systems?

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