Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999
Career Focus

The Rules of Work Are Changing

By LISA TRUDEL - December 16 2019
The Rules of Work Are Changing

Whether you are looking for work, trying to manage too much work, or looking forward to working less, the rules of work and the skills required in the workplace are changing.  

Today people live and work longer, social media has created new technologies, and workplaces are globally connected. These changes mean that many fundamental skills needed in the past are not necessarily the most important skills required in 2020.

Twenty years ago, the Conference Board of Canada, wrote “Employability Skills 2000+” a practical outline that has been the foundation for many job seekers since it was published.

This chart catalogues skills that include what is needed to enter, stay in, and progress in the world of work.  These include communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, adaptability and teamwork. These abilities are still needed, yet remote technologies and new communication tools have introduced many new skills to incorporate into a job search plan.

For example, communication now includes the ability to use constantly changing remote technologies and to be able to discriminate and filter important data and information in order to improve profitability.

Another new rule of work is understanding cross-cultural competency and supporting diversity, equity and inclusion.  More Canadian organizations then ever before now have company policies that include a commitment to appreciating differences, and promoting a diverse workforce that respects equal treatment for everyone. 

If you want to find out which companies are “Canada’s Best Diversity Employers” check This site lists the winners from their 12th annual editorial competition. This competition recognizes employers across Canada that have exceptional workplace diversity and inclusiveness programs that create work environments where employees, regardless of race, gender, disability, country of origin, or sexual orientation, can thrive.

In 2020, the rules of work are changing and if you are a job seeker, take the time to be coached by a Career Specialist so you learn the fundamental skills that are expected by employers, and so you can select an employer that fits the criteria that you want.  

One of the rules that has not changed is that work is not only about an employer interviewing and hiring you. It is about you interviewing the employer so you can work with an organization that supports your values and beliefs.

To learn more about how the rules of work are changing contact your local Employment Ontario Career Centre. 

This article was submitted by Lisa Trudel, Career Specialist with the Centre for Education and Training. She works at their Parliament Employment Services location in downtown Toronto where she assists unemployed job seekers navigate new career directions. She can be contacted at:

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