Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999
Love of Learning

Learning to Learn

By LISA TRUDEL - June 26 2015

Do you prefer to learn using images and pictures? Or do you like to learn using sound and music? Or do you prefer to learn in groups with other people, or by yourself?

Whatever your learning style, understanding how you learn can help in the decision-making process before committing to tuition-based learning or free learning.

To discover your learning style you might want to check the Learning Styles Inventory available at The results can help confirm if you are a learner that is visual, auditory, hands-on, social or solitary. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to learning styles, only a freedom in understanding how you collect and retain information that is correct for you and your personality. For example, knowing your learning style can help with decisions about taking an online course in a self-directed module or participating in a traditional classroom lecture.

If you are a lifelong learner who wants to boost career marketability, it is important to know that learning is an essential part of career development. One of the best parts of learning today is that it does not mean you have to be physically present in a classroom. The world has now become a classroom and many universities and other learning institutions offer free online courses.

These include:

  • This is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free.
  • This is a global online learning community, offering 600+ free courses to help develop essential workplace skills. It includes various diploma courses in topics ranging from “Workplace Safety and Health”, to “Construction Safety”, to “Customer Service”.
  • Often referred to as Ted Talks, this site offers 100+ short videos and resources on a wide range of topics including “How to Build Creative Confidence” and “The Career Advice You Probably Didn’t Get”.

There are many more institutions and online resources that offer free online courses in a variety of disciplines. This list is just the tip of the iceberg. To boost your learning experience once you know your learning style, try exploring these online courses and discover that learning to learn can be fun, profitable and cost-free!

If you want to find out more about learning and sites such as contact the Centre for Education & Training Employment Services ( and ask to speak to a Career Specialist. Learning is not just for high school students. Everyone can discover the value in learning and the path it can take you on toward career success. Lisa Trudel is a Career Specialist with the Centre for Education & Training. She works at their Toronto Parliament Services location and can be contacted at:

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