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Peter H. Russell:University Professor Emeritus, UitC Friend.

Peter H. Russell:University Professor Emeritus, UitC Friend.

Joanne Mackay-Bennett

The path to Peter Russell’s door was a well-trod one. Leaders of provincial and federal governments, and First Nations, judges, prime ministers, scholars, university presidents, governors-general, members of task forces, tribunals, and royal commissions, all sought Peter’s expert advice. They knew that his counsel could be counted on to be comprehensive, intelligent, and fair.    

Since Peter’s death in January 2024, many have written about his exemplary career as an esteemed  scholar of political science and, more particularly, of Canada’s unique interpretation of constitutionalism, democracy, federalism, and human rights.  

Few, though, will know of Peter’s unwavering support and mentorship of a small, non-profit progam called University in the Community (UitC). A free, adult education outreach progam for adults whose commitment to learning has remained constant in the face of life challenges, UitC – both the program and its students – were buoyed by Peter’s steadfast belief in its purpose and in its provision of a forum for ‘ordinary’ voices to be listened to and heard.

From 2010 to November 2023, Peter was not only a regular UitC presenter at Innis College, he initiated a vital partnership between UitC, Senior College, and Innis College. Our in-person exchanges after the Covid lockdown were limited and, now that I think of it, slightly skewed to UitC’s benefit: we were invited guests to Senior College’s annual all-day Symposium which included a splendid lunch at University of Toronto’s Faculty Club; he graciously attended an untold number of our end of term parties and potluck suppers.

The rather unique relationship between UitC students and Peter was one of mutual pride and respect.  The students revered Peter for his expertise and for the respect he showed them by taking each conversation seriously. And Peter, for his part, was unfailingly respectful of the life situation that may have precipitated an unusual question or a challenging opinion.  He listened to every comment and answered every question with the same generous response that he did when conversing with experts whose lives were played out in the public eye.  

Now, looking back on our long association, I am beginning to see each and every meeting we had with Peter as real-time practice of our consititutional right to freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression. By his example, Peter taught us that among the many responsibiities of being a citizen of a democracy, perhaps none was as important as listening to others. 

At what turned out to be our last meeting with Peter on Zoom at the end of November, Peter was a few minutes late joining us online. Apologizing profusely for his tardiness, he explained that the reason he was late was because he had been on the phone discussing a future project.  ‘I’ve just got too many things on my plate’ he exclaimed. ‘That’s my problem!’  

We then moved on to our ‘Ask Me Anything with Peter Russell’ session. Grateful and honoured that day, and evermore, for his loyal mentorship and friendship.

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