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Should homosexuality be envied?

By OSMAN OZSOY - October 10 2024
Should homosexuality be envied?

This article does not contain my personal views. It reflects the thoughts of some parents who are concerned about their children’s future.

Have you ever walked into a place and suddenly felt like you were part of a TV debate? I produced and hosted TV shows for years when I was young. But the most interesting debate I ever witnessed was on public transportation.

What we call a streetcar here is called a tram in Amsterdam. When I got on the tram from the Postjesweg district to Dam Square, which is considered the heart of Amsterdam, I had about a thirty-minute journey. I found a seat in the crowded vehicle and sat down. A group of passengers were talking among themselves in a way that could be heard from the surroundings. It was as if everyone was listening to them. Those who have been there know. Those who have been to Amsterdam know. Outside of English-speaking countries, Amsterdam is one of the cities where the majority of the population speaks English. It is said that more than 90 percent of Amsterdam residents speak English. The mother, who I later learned was Ukrainian, pointed to her 7-8-year-old child next to her and said; My child’s teachers at school are giving guidance that encourages homosexuality. I am very disturbed by this situation. This would not be welcomed in our country. I respect everyone’s sexual preferences. However, I cannot accept that homosexuality is especially encouraged and envied.

I heard the same words in New York last year. A Peruvian friend said, “Let children make their own choices when they become adults. I cannot understand why homosexuality is specifically encouraged and directed.” As I write these lines, I do not have children of school age, so I do not know what is happening in schools.

Let’s continue with the conversations in the tram. One of the other women standing said; The world is going through such a period, In recent years, when our 26-year-old son said to us; Next week, I will introduce you to the friend I want to marry, my husband and I were very excited. On the one hand, we were happy, but on the other hand, we didn’t even know if the friend he wanted to marry was a boy or a girl. Because we were living in a world where anything could happen. Of course, we wouldn’t say anything about our son’s choice, but we would definitely prefer him to marry a girl so that we have grandchildren and our lineage continues. They are expecting a child right now. They are happy, and so are we, he said.

Another woman, who could be understood from her accent to be Polish, said; I read it in the newspaper. The Putin administration is preparing a new law. News and social media posts that encourage not having children will be considered a crime. Why do countries governed by dictatorships in the world want to have more children, while homosexual marriages are encouraged in democratic countries, causing the population to decrease? What will the future of this world and humanity be like? What kind of world will we live in tomorrow, she said.

The group in the tram had thoughtful expressions mixed with sadness on their faces as they talked about these issues among themselves. One of them said the following: The more interesting part is that when you express your personal opinion on this issue, you are reflected as if you have committed a crime. I cannot understand why it is not considered normal to express an opinion against something as much as to speak in favor of it. Even when you ask the clergy about this issue in the church, they remain silent. They are even afraid to express their own thoughts related to their own beliefs on this issue. Politicians are worried about ending their political careers, scientists are worried about being fired, journalists are worried about being socially lynched, teachers are worried about giving traditional family advice to children. Rainbow-colored flags are flying in front of military facilities, on the walls of churches, and in the yards of primary schools. I cannot understand what the real purpose of this promotion campaign is, and whether it is enough to address the issue only in the context of freedoms, she said.

When I overheard a discussion I hadn’t witnessed for a long time, I wrote down some observations from the passengers on the inside back cover of the book I was holding. When I looked up, I saw that I had passed the stop I was supposed to get off. I had come all the way to the last stop, the central station, when I was supposed to get off at Dam.

I came across an Instagram story the other day. Professor Oytun Erbaş, a well-known scientist in his field and an expert in experimental medicine, stated that content encouraging homosexuality was being produced, especially on social media, and that this situation was confusing children. He even stated that due to children’s early exposure to pornographic images, especially the foods that are rich in chemicals, the age of puberty was being pushed back to the age of 7-8, and that children whose sexuality awakened early were at increased risk of falling into the trap of child abusers and pedophiles and sex gangs.

I stated at the beginning of the article that I would not express my personal opinion on this subject. That is all I can tell you about the agenda of people using public transportation in Amsterdam for now. Whether they are right or not, I leave it to you to choose and comment because I kept quiet.

Prof. Dr. Osman Ozsoy

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