Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999



Flipping through early flying journal pages, I came face to face with a journey that might have been thought of many times but never appreciated. It is neither as incredible as a spiritual awakening nor as massive as a financial success story, but simple, like a voyage of self-discovery and evolution with a pinch of hurt, hurdles, joy, and fumbles that has its glory.

It is a tale of finding a second home, the memories it brought, and some life lessons learned and taught. It is an ode to one’s ever-growing personality, trying to untangle life knots in simple terms of “adulting” without too many twists in the plot.

With starry eyes, twinkling toes, and a bag full of dreams and aspirations, a commute kick-started across the world to a continent far away from home with equal doses of nervousness and jubilation to achieve something better than before.

Flying past the fluffy white clouds into the unknown crowds searching for a home ground with a constant lingering feeling of lost and found. Being mindful of the baggage from the past and calculative about the scars that might last, a slow and steady game of “building another life” began one chapter at a time, crossing one level after another with hesitation and hope.

Fighting through bad days and smiling through good days, sometimes alone, sometimes not, lead to the schooling of oneself about lurking demons in the heart and a sense of firepower within to overcome any miserable distraught. Dwelling on those emotions now shows a steady state of understanding of human relations, from wanting to be two peas in a pod with everyone life stumbles upon to being comfortable in one’s skin like the black swan.

One snippet after the other, the journal pages continue to fill up with small, endearing, innocent yet wise anecdotes and routine everyday notes aiding every brain cell to concur with all the small wonders and, at the same time, allowing it to take a quick run-down memory lane like a breath of fresh air, finding solace.

Samanvitha Orugant is an avid storyteller who likes narrating stories about people, emotions, and places. She believes our world has innumerable tales, some hidden, some not, but all waiting to be told. She can be reached via email at

Digital Citizen Corner
Learning Curves

Understanding Cyber Spies and How to Protect Yourself

July 8 2024

In today's digital age, the threat of cyber spies who use phishing, malware, social engineering, Wi-Fi snooping, and spyware apps to gather information is more real than ever. To protect yourself and your children, use strong, unique passwords, enable two-factor authentication, keep software updated, and educate about safe online behavior while supervising internet usage.


Here In the House of Mirrors
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The Art of the Job Hunt: A Comedy In Seven Acts

July 4 2024

Embark on the Great Canadian job hunt with your clunky resume and a double dose of Tim Horton's optimism, navigating through digital confetti, endless waits, and awkward interviews. Despite the chaos, gainful employment awaits, making this epic saga of perseverance and resilience worth every pratfall.


Learning Curves

Who would you like to refer to?

June 24 2024

At the start of the academic year, Professor Osman Ozsoy emphasized the importance of reputation to his students, highlighting how easily a positive perception can be tarnished by repeated tardiness. In a candid classroom exchange, he illustrated that trust and punctuality are crucial for professional recommendations, teaching a vital lesson about maintaining one's reputation.


Teacher’s Voice
Learning Curves

What Troy Van Learned from His Mother’s Legacy

June 20 2024

Troy Van always had questions about his mother’s past, partly because of Delia’s reticence about it. When she passed away two years ago, new details about her emerged from different sources that totally surprised Troy. A history teacher, he’d built his success on honesty and credibility. In the end, if contradictions in Delia’s life taught Troy a lot about himself, he also learned to accept her choices for survival in a turbulent world.