Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999

Not into Nursing

By ADMIN - February 16 2021

Dear Elcee:
I have been hearing a lot on the news about the aging population. I know about all the opportunities that are going to come about in healthcare but have a deep fear of anything to do with blood. As a twenty something trying to make a decision about where to focus my future… are there any career options that I can take advantage of without fainting at the sight of needles?

Not into Nursing

Dear Not into Nursing:
I am like you. As a young girl I certainly considered a career in Nursing until I realised I might have to give someone a needle. I admire people in the healthcare profession but recognise it takes a very special skill set (one which I don’t have.). However, I have many retired friends who are now starting second careers in the home healthcare field. They enjoy the flexibility and the opportunity to get involved in the community while supporting older seniors to live at home.

A report from the Fraser Institute published in the Toronto Sun in November 2017 stated that “The combination of Canadians living longer with the population bulge of the baby boom generation means seniors are on track to represent 25 per cent of the Canadian population by roughly mid-century compared to less than 15 per cent in 2010.” Will that mean all of the jobs will be in the frontline healthcare industry? There is certainly, already, an increased demand and that is expected to grow. However, this is also a population that is enjoying better health and more activity than previous generations ever knew. In the early 20th century “old age” was considered anything over 50. It is expected that positions will be opening up to accommodate a wealthier, more active aging population. the travel industry will see a boost in guided trips, cruise lines and bus tours. There will also be a greater need for construction work in home renovation and improved accessibility. Industrial design will also require experts in designing products that will accommodate people who may be dealing with decreased mobility and function.

In the healthcare industry, we are seeing a greater demand for Activation Coordinators, Patient Advocates and Family Liaisons. The pharmaceutical industry will be seeking people for research and production. Massage Therapists, Hearing specialists, Physiotherapists are also specialities that will see growth as a result of an aging population.
Have a look around and do a little research. When choosing a career, don’t only look at demographic trends. Take into account what your interests are. Ensure that you get a strong basis in your education and keep your mind open to new opportunities to learn and grow!

Dear ELCEE is written by Deborah Noel,
Send her your questions.

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