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Digital Citizen Corner

Introducing: “Digital Citizen Corner.”

By BRYAN SENFUMA - May 2 2024
Introducing: “Digital Citizen Corner.”

Welcome to “Digital Citizen Corner”, your destination for navigating the digital landscape with confidence. In this column, Learning Curves readers will explore the intersection of technology, digital literacy, online safety, and the impact of digital technologies on our daily lives.

In our interconnected world, digital technologies play a significant role in how we communicate, work, learn, and engage with the world around us. From smartphones and social media, to online banking and remote learning, the digital realm offers endless opportunities and conveniences. However, along with these benefits come various challenges and risks, particularly concerning online safety, privacy, and information security.

“Digital Citizen Corner” is here to help you navigate these challenges and harness the power of technology for positive outcomes. Whether you are a parent concerned about your child’s online safety, a senior looking to enhance your digital literacy skills, a student, a job seeker, or a community member interested in leveraging technology for social good, this column is for you.

Each month, we will cover a wide range of topics relevant to your digital life, including:

  1. Digital Wellness and Mental Health: We will explore strategies and tips for maintaining a healthy balance between online and offline activities, how to manage screen time, and how to reduce digital stress and fatigue. Our expert insights will offer guidance on cultivating a healthier relationship with technology and promote mental well-being in our digital age.
  2. Online Safety and Personal Protection: We will provide practical guidance and best practices for safeguarding personal information, protecting against cyber threats such as phishing scams, malware, and identity theft, and securing devices and online accounts. Real-life stories and interactive quizzes will help you learn how to respond effectively to digital threats and enhance your
    cybersecurity posture.
  3. Digital Parenting and Family Safety: Our digital parenting tips will empower parents and family members on how to support their children in navigating the online world safely and responsibly. We will discuss age-appropriate strategies for managing screen time, teaching responsible online behavior, and fostering healthy digital habits from an early age.
  4. Tech Reviews: Another topic will be focused on how to gain insights into the latest digital tools, gadgets, and online resources to help you stay informed and to make well-informed purchasing decisions. Whether you are exploring new apps, digital parenting tools, or educational platforms, we will provide valuable insights and analysis to enhance your digital experience.

Join us on this exciting journey as we explore the opportunities and challenges of our increasingly digital world. Together, we will empower Learning Curves readers to become responsible digital citizens, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to thrive in the digital age.

Welcome to “Digital Citizen Corner” – your trusted guide in the digital world.

This article was written by Bryan Kaye Senfuma, Digital Human Rights Defender, Digital Security
Subject Matter Expert, Photographer, Writer and Community Advocate. You can email Bryan at:

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