Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999


By ADMIN - April 19 2021

by Dr. Altaf Qadeer

Over the years of life
Over a changing time
The events of decades ago
Discovering the DNA of next memories
Memories shaping new memories
In an unknown moment of time
The DNA of memories re-shaped
The chromosomes of sadness silently re-defined
In the lab of love
In the lab of sad realities
In the expanding universe of human distances
Love is reshaping the journey of love
A world in home, re-discovering a home in the world
In the world of millions without a home
In a world of hunger, where some with billions in banks
Many children try to sleep without food
Where loving minds try to sleep with open eyes
Many children who can not write their names
With no pencil, no colors, no paper to draw a dream
In the long distances of dreams
Who is making an echoing scream!
Many languages not known to the world forum
The birds fly and cross the lands
Many birds, many songs keep hiding in many lands
With new obstacles on the roof of older barriers
Somewhere a heart is reaching their hearts
In a world with certainty of an economic uncertainty
In a world where an unforeseen crisis can come due to another crisis
Crisis multiplying crisis,
Growing economic flowers in the silent lands of frictions
A silent global disaster getting ignition
My memories of memories are drying my oceans of tears
Many environments of feelings are changing with dryness
Many new environments are crying to get protected of new fears
Can we protect our cognitive environment and all environments!
Let’s protect those hearts losing hope for everything
How an unknown voice becomes the voice of your heart
How hearts translate hearts
Empower all hearts to flourish all hearts
Happiness, togetherness, with a feeling of nearness
The voice of a loving heart can impact all hearts
The beauty of education for every heart

by Dr. Altaf Qadeer

Digital Citizen Corner
Learning Curves

Understanding Cyber Spies and How to Protect Yourself

July 8 2024

In today's digital age, the threat of cyber spies who use phishing, malware, social engineering, Wi-Fi snooping, and spyware apps to gather information is more real than ever. To protect yourself and your children, use strong, unique passwords, enable two-factor authentication, keep software updated, and educate about safe online behavior while supervising internet usage.


Here In the House of Mirrors
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The Art of the Job Hunt: A Comedy In Seven Acts

July 4 2024

Embark on the Great Canadian job hunt with your clunky resume and a double dose of Tim Horton's optimism, navigating through digital confetti, endless waits, and awkward interviews. Despite the chaos, gainful employment awaits, making this epic saga of perseverance and resilience worth every pratfall.


Learning Curves

Who would you like to refer to?

June 24 2024

At the start of the academic year, Professor Osman Ozsoy emphasized the importance of reputation to his students, highlighting how easily a positive perception can be tarnished by repeated tardiness. In a candid classroom exchange, he illustrated that trust and punctuality are crucial for professional recommendations, teaching a vital lesson about maintaining one's reputation.


Teacher’s Voice
Learning Curves

What Troy Van Learned from His Mother’s Legacy

June 20 2024

Troy Van always had questions about his mother’s past, partly because of Delia’s reticence about it. When she passed away two years ago, new details about her emerged from different sources that totally surprised Troy. A history teacher, he’d built his success on honesty and credibility. In the end, if contradictions in Delia’s life taught Troy a lot about himself, he also learned to accept her choices for survival in a turbulent world.