Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999
Career Focus

Professional Newcomers Talk to Canadian Peers

By WENDY TERRY - December 7 2013

Mentoring for Change is a Skills for Change program that matches newcomer professionals with a Canadian peer. A mentor is one who shares knowledge with a less experienced colleague. Although newcomers have lots of experience, knowing how things work in Canada is not always clear; thus being matched with a Canadian peer is an invaluable opportunity.

Mentors provide information on labour market trends, accreditation and licensing procedures, and they offer support and guidance to help newcomers settle in Canada and ultimately find employment in their profession.

This program uses e-mentoring, which allows participants to email back and forth as questions come to mind.

Skills for Change also offers a mentoring program for those who want to start their own business, Seniors Mentoring Entrepreneurs. Seniors with experience in small business, retail, business to business (B2B) provide specialized support in areas such as e-Business or small scale manufacturing.

Mentors who have experience in business start-ups and entrepreneurship help internationally trained professionals who have a business idea or a draft business plan to bring their plans to life step by step. This personal mentoring is supported by legal workshops, and business start-up workshops.

Through workshops and mentoring, participants will be able to determine risks and develop tactics to alleviate them, to determine market trends and potential competitors, to set goals and priorities for business stability, growth and prosperity.

If you want to be mentored or become a mentor contact Jin Olberg, or 416-658-3101 ext 242.

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