Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999

 Thank you, Deborah!

By ADMIN - July 1 2023

Learning Curves is honored to write a special tribute to Deborah, who is retiring as our editor after dedicating seven years of her time to our newspaper. 

Deborah’s passion for journalism and her commitment to delivering accurate and unbiased news has been an inspiration to all of us. Her attention to detail, her ability to spot errors, and her skill in crafting compelling stories have helped to elevate the quality of our publication to new heights.

As a mostly volunteer-published newspaper, Learning Curves relies on the contributions of individuals like Deborah, who generously donate their time and skills to the cause. Without volunteers like her, we would not be able to provide the level of content and quality that we do. But Deborah’s contributions go far beyond her editorial skills. She has been a mentor and friend to many of our staff members, always willing to offer advice, support, and encouragement. Her positive attitude and can-do spirit have made her a joy to work with, and she has been an important part of our newspaper family.

As Deborah moves on to new challenges, we want her to know that she will be sorely missed. Her legacy at our newspaper will endure, and her impact on our publication will be felt for years to come.

On behalf of everyone at Learning Curves, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Deborah for her years of service. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours, and we hope that she will stay in touch and continue to be a part of our extended family. Thank you so much, Deborah!

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