Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999

Troy Van always had questions about his mother’s past, partly because of Delia’s reticence about it. When she passed away two years ago, new details about her emerged from different sources that totally surprised Troy. A history teacher, he’d built his success on honesty and credibility. In the end, if contradictions in Delia’s life taught Troy a lot about himself, he also learned to accept her choices for survival in a turbulent world.

Some colleagues and I find exams to be stressful experiences for college students who usually cram for them. Given viable options to traditional midterm and final exams, we want to try other learning components for the same marks. We’ve shared with each other reasons for choosing learning over testing. Over time, we’ve also seen administration’s interest in making exams optional.

Students get an opportunity to interact with and learn from other cultures, lands, and demographics. Diversity provides for a holistic and enriching learning experience.

In 1998, Wendy and Eugenia researched Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area, to see if a community newspaper for adults going back to school would be useful. In January 1999, Learning Curves was launched This year, 2025 will be our 25th year of publishing Learning Curves. 

She told me they are teaching their clients how to use AI to edit an existing resume to focus on a new job application. AI Artificial Intelligence the latest high tech development. Read up on it.

This heartwarming essay challenges preconceptions, unveiling the joy, comfort, and hidden brilliance found in everyday moments. Join the conversation on appreciating the present, embracing the familiar, and exploring the uncharted territories of the seemingly ordinary.

Surely, every person studying a new field asks themselves this question – “What material should I read on the subject?”.

This year I read a book by James Clear titled “Atomic Habits”.  One of the chapters mentioned the “2-Minute Rule” which helps with procrastination, breaking old habits, and building new healthy ones. 

The Magic Mirror

Jan 9, 2024

With the thinking hat right on; I look within myself for all those stories, I’ve witnessed from dusk to dawn but nothing comes closer to the journey of ‘the reflection I capture the day in, day out', whom I fondly call A pocket full of sunshine due to the warm and fuzzy feeling this one leaves behind. 

One Teacher’s Perspective: When COVID-19 shut down our schools and campuses in February 2020, all classes immediately went into virtual classrooms. One teacher's perspective on everything that happened since that time.

Hello, everyone! My name is Galina. I am 41 years old. I have been living in Canada for 3 years, and many things have changed in my life in terms of both my place of residence and my activities.

Sarah had been busy looking at schools in Canada for her two children. She and her husband, Bob had recently received their Permanent Residency and were very excited at better prospects that awaited them

The realities of the modern world dictate their own rules. Several decades ago, the life of an ordinary person was simple and straightforward: go to school, get an education, find a stable job, and work until retirement.

“Pull the windows open, nice weather is here, with the sky oh so blue and a tinge of grey splattered around in an artistic smear, accompanied by the musical backdrop coos of the birds

Welcome Iryna!

Jul 1, 2023

Hello everyone! My name is Iryna Paltseva and I’m very proud to introduce myself to you as the new editor of Learning Curves.

These 3 questions are often asked by newcomer job seekers, so to expand on what I know I sat down recently with Angela Mohan, a Career Specialist with Achēv in downtown Toronto.

When her mother passed away from a stroke last fall, Maggie Galanis suddenly felt surreal without Diana’s presence. But after thirty-six years with melancholic and volatile Diana, Maggie’s life would turn a new page.

During my trip to London in June 2022, while walking in front of Buckingham Palace, I suddenly stopped and looked at the palace from a distance for a while.

What a Night!

Mar 16, 2023

On December 7th, the students of University in the Community (UitC) hosted an evening with the co-authors of the recently-published book, Valley of the Birdtail: An Indian Reserve, A White Town, and the Road to Reconciliation.

Have you ever wondered how you got to where you are in your life now? What are your personal or professional life accomplishments and how have you accumulated them all?

Municipal elections are the most complex because you vote for 3 representatives: a Mayor for your city, a Councillor for your ward, and a School Trustee for your ward.

Today the whole world knows what is happening in Ukraine. War came to my home in February of 2022 one morning at 5:30am with a deafening explosion from the airport about 15 kilometers from my street.

One day before my 33rd birthday, I wrote and passed my very first exam towards becoming a Real Estate Agent! After almost a decade of being a full time mom to 3 kids, this was my first step towards building a professional career.

Robo-advisors which are online investment platforms, are also available to investors through various brokerage firms offering a variety of diversified ETF portfolios designed according to the investors appetite for risk

That energy can be sometimes negative, sometimes positive. With others, you simply feel their strength and resilience. 

My name is Juleen Thapar, an educator from India’s Amritsar region. When I came to Toronto in 2019 with husband, Ranbir, we had already been teachers and school administrators for thirty years.

Career advice can appear in many forms. It can be verbal from a trusted Career Coach or read in a recommended book. Twenty years ago, I was encouraged to read a book titled “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.

At 22 and with two small children to care for, I didn’t have many options. Though bilingual and with some work experience in an office setting, I’d been too long out of the workforce – a mere two years! - to merit any serious consideration. 

In the first tech wave of COVID-19, we have seen a rise in fields like software, financial, digital media, information technology, big data, cloud computing, communications, e-commerce and adoption of artificial intelligence. This will continue to gain momentum.

I hope you remember me. It’s Josie Knight, Anna Bradley’s neighbor who asked you for a copy of Learning Curves in 2020. You encouraged me to submit a story, so here I am, sharing my travelogue.

What does it look like to find a best friend for life in a 70-year-old woman? Might sound boring to some of you but to me, it is anything but that.

A story that comes right from the heart with countless memories that do not depart, a story that puts a smile on my face every morning, a glimpse I would like to share, hope that doesn’t leave you in a maze.

Several years ago, Waheed (Wayne) Mufti sang for a party where I was a guest. The hosts appreciated his music so much that he stayed for dinner, and entertained us well into the evening. Recently, I found his business card and had a chat with him.

After COVID-19 hit back in March 2020, few realized the impact it would have on the world of work. Working remotely is now part of the “new normal.” But for many workers, it’s anything but. Overnight, employees were asked to navigate unfamiliar territory and the challenges that went with it.

In our Fall 2021 issue in this story I will summarize the changes I could see from the priorities recommended by the Report found in a scan of course offerings for the Fall term.

Angie Cheng is a parent, worker, and university student. Earlier this year, she told Learning Curves (Spring Issue 2021) how her family of five had lived through a year of COVID. Last week, I asked her to tell me more about her life since coming to Canada twenty years ago.

When I was in Grade 2, I discovered what a “shortcut” was. Instead of walking to school along the side of the road, my brother showed me a path through a farmer’s field that could save me five minutes of time.

Often as adult learners we are focused on finding a course at a time we can make it, that meets a specific learning need, the micro level. But there are activities going on at a macro level which shape what we are offered at the micro level. Canada- A Learning Nation report describes the work of the Future Skills Advisory Council, an advisory council to the federal Ministry of Employment Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion. This report came out in December 2020 but I just found it scanning the net for what I can’t remember now.

Walter Davis definitely took many years to accept the importance of self-sufficiency. In February 2021, he finally stayed with a full-time, graveyard-shift job in data processing. Although he found the work monotonous, he managed to pass his probation earlier this month.

COVID has disrupted our continuing education plans as it has our economy-our job/career plans. We have been in the latest lock down since Christmas Day and when will it let up apparently mid February.

COVID has changed how education both full-time and continuing education are delivered mainly to online learning. But Covid has not led us to be more aware of what adult education contributes as it has to what international students contribute.

Read With Me

Apr 8, 2020

Happy Spring! I hope you enjoyed the books in the previous reading list as much as I did. In this article, along with my picks for this season, I would like to introduce you to two notable reading resources and activities I recently stumbled upon.

Reynosa Sarmiento has taken multiple courses throughout her undergraduate degree. Having graduated in November 2015, she’s had years of experience with online courses and online summer courses.

As a Career/Life Skills and Executive Coach, I often meet clients in career transition who haven’t had to look for a job for the past 15 to 25 years. They are called ‘long tenured workers’ who all of a sudden face the crude reality of a lay off (with or without severance pay) and with it a fast awakening to the fact that their skills have been either outdated, or not on par to compete with on today’s labour market. Let’s face it, no one has to hire anyone…we compete for opportunities, as the labour market of the 21st century.

What is office survivability? It is understanding that career success is not only about accomplishing your job tasks and your performance goals, it is also about relating appropriately with a group of people

Read with Me

Jan 9, 2020

I love to read which is surprising because when I was younger, you could not pay me enough to pick up a book.

Since its inception nearly two years ago, Epilepsy Toronto’s unique Bridge the Gap ambassador program has reached thousands of participants while promoting epilepsy awareness and helping ambassadors develop skills deemed essential for workplace success.

Julie Jackson and I first met at a public library concert two summers ago when she sat next to me.

“Enthusiasm is a state of mind natural to the lover of art,” wrote Max J. Friedländer, “indeed, to him almost something natural.”

I often chatted with Tim when he worked at a store near Toronto’s Main and Gerrard Streets.

Chasing The Dream

Jun 20, 2019

Have you ever felt that you should have gone further with your education? That you were capable of more?

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