Continuing Education + Job Training // Publishing since 1999

We know that climate change is happening. We also know that it’s the result of increased carbon emissions from human activities like land degradation and the burning of fossil fuels. And we know that it’s urgent.

According MHCC, the average age of a Canadian trucker is 47 years old. By the age of 40, more than half the population have,

I am the coordinator of a humanities-based, adult education outreach program called University in the Community (UitC).

Night Ride Home

Jan 17, 2019

Little by little the walls of stigma surrounding mental health are starting to crumble.

Often we put off calling a university or college as we didn’t finish high school or did poorly or did it in a different country in a different language.

What’s New?

Sep 17, 2018

Educational institutions are constantly developing new courses to help their students stay up to date and often they work in partnership with a professional group or industry.

The years of retirement should be a golden period. It means, one will be dignified, having a decent lifestyle, enjoying the fruits of their labour, families and friends.

When I first met Mugi last year, she was working at a Chinese supermarket. As we got to know each other, Mugi told me she would soon start evening English classes.

We don’t have a choice how crisis comes into our lives. Sometimes, we see it coming and we can prepare for it, while other times, we are just thrown into it by surprise.

As a person who firmly believes that one should always be striving for personal growth, I share my “aiming for success” story, in the hopes that I can inspire other older adults to keep reaching for their educational goals.

Art gives us an experience like nothing else can. Art exhibitions, whether in a formal gallery or part of an informal event, provide the opportunity for art to be explored.

The Arab Community Centre of Toronto (ACCT), whose Head Office is located in Etobicoke and has been providing services for over 30 years, aims to be inclusive of both Arab and non-Arab communities with assistance to those new to Canada with settlement and social services in many languages in addition to Arabic, including English, French, Punjabi, Russian and Dutch.

When Saigon fell to the Vietcong, I was only in kindergarten. But soon, school became “re-education”. We swept streets and picked up garbage.

The Workers' Educational Association of Canada (WEA) has been a champion of free, public education for adults since its beginning in 1918.

Love of Learning

Dec 7, 2015

As the late American journalist, Christopher Morley, once said “There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning”.

In the last issue of Learning Curves, an article, which I wrote The new, new economy, described how citizens around the world

The Jewish Russian Community Centre (JRCC), which operates branches including in Toronto, Thornhill and as far away as Ottawa, serves as a support system for Russians of the Jewish faith from the former Soviet Union.

Often adult students had dropped out of high school, though they do this less than they used to, and later they often decide to go back to school. But there has been few community accessible learning information services to help adults go back. So often they start back based on what a friend advises or at an educational program they know in their area or at a program they have seen an ad for.

Keep It Simple

Aug 8, 2015

David Li has found the secret of teaching the complicated and rigorous practice of accounting by breaking it down to a simple and elegant format that is easy to understand.

Learning to Learn

Jun 26, 2015

Do you prefer to learn using images and pictures? Or do you like to learn using sound and music? Or do you prefer to learn in groups with other people, or by yourself?

Don’t let yourself get caught in the all-too familiar trap of waiting until your children have gone back to school before thinking about your own continuing education.

For several years, I would see Sonia’s welcoming smile behind a local library’s reference desk.

It is exciting to see that the Community Hubs Advisory Group, established by Premier Kathleen Wynne and chaired by Karen Pitre, is currently engaged in consultations across the province.

It’s Monday morning, and another week of work begins. Upstairs I hear my neighbour stirring

In part one, we learned that eighteen-year old Sarah came from Tehran during the Gulf War to marry forty-year-old Yousef.

On March 20, 2014, Bryan Wright, a great friend of Learning Curves, died suddenly at the age of sixty-five.

Summer holiday mode is over, you have turned your mind to work mode, the kids are settled in school and you have time to think about taking a course yourself, only to find the Fall term has already started at many places.

In the last few years, we have been increasingly made aware that Canada needs skilled tradesmen, perhaps more than it needs the lawyers or dentists that parents want their children to become.

These days when you say that your grandparents rock, you don’t mean in a rocking chair! Baby boomers, many of whom are now seniors, have dramatically changed the face of retirement.

According to a report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives titled Degrees of Uncertainty:

Of the three terms, the spring term has the most varied start dates. Course starts go from mid April to mid May, unlike the fall term where most start in the first week of September and the winter term in the first week of January.

ou are an adult who didn’t get a high school diploma, for whatever reason, you probably don’t want to re-enroll in a high school program and work your way through years of classes.

Duoli’s Story

May 7, 2011

Can you imagine a senior who is 74 years old learning English from Zero? How could I learn English at my age?

Summer is a great time to take a course! Although the selection is more limited than in the fall, winter and spring terms, most educational providers offer courses during the summer months.

Have you always dreamed of being an artist? Looking to change careers and get into the arts, but not sure if it’s quite right for you?

WEA Canada
#49 60 River Street
Toronto, M5A 4G5
Phone: (416) 923 7872